Personal Mastery…

You know them.
They are the ones who have achieved personal mastery.
The insides of our heads can be noisy, stress-filled, and anxiety-ridden places. It is not the outside world that causes the turmoil in our heads—it’s our responses to it that disturb the peace. Constructing new responses to our circumstances is the path to presence.
My Approach

I partner with a client to distinguish ways of thinking or of perceiving the world that may be misguiding or stopping them. I support the client in finding new ways of thinking that speed them on their way. My fundamental assumption is that a person is capable of and responsible for their own growth.
My approach is transformational—not transactional. Transactional coaching attempts to fix problems without changing a person’s underlying behavior. Transformational coaching shifts a person’s way of being resulting in substantial and lasting behavioral change.
For example, if you wanted to be a better speaker, a transactional coach would improve your rhetoric or facility with PowerPoint; a transformational coach would work to transform you from being nervous on the stage to commanding it.