by Russell Heath | Aug 31, 2022 | Book Reviews
The Power Of Vulnerability Brené Brown’s TED talk is the story of everyone’s life path—whether you know it or not. For those who mourn the fact that life didn’t come with an operating manual, this short talk is your answer. Millions have watched her talk, and I have,...
by Russell Heath | Aug 31, 2022 | Book Reviews
Responsibility Rebellion Background Ramsay provides a good overview of the current thinking about what makes for a happy, productive, and fulfilled life. He argues that to achieve a good life, one must develop personal mastery. Personal mastery requires that we learn...
by Russell Heath | Aug 31, 2022 | Coaching
Transformation: The Short Story This is a story about transformation. About changing your experience of the world. It can happen in a flash: all you need to do is change the lens you are looking through. Let’s call her Shanice. She wanted to be a motivational...
by Russell Heath | Aug 30, 2022 | Leadership
Leaders Develop their People In 1969 Laurence Peter and Raymond Hull published a book titled “The Peter Principle.” They argued that people are promoted through the corporate ranks until they reach their level of incompetence. People move through the ranks to ever...
by Russell Heath | Aug 29, 2022 | Stuck
What Stops You From Living Big?Four Reasons We Live Small Lives You want to do great things with your life—you want to live big. To rocket to distant planets, write epics, end hunger, but, instead, you’re stuck at home doing the dishes or cutting the grass. You want...