What Happens In A Coaching Session?

What Happens In A Coaching Session?

What Happens In A Coaching Session? What happens in a coaching session varies, of course, but the general goal of coaching is to move you from where you are to where you want to be. Where you want to be could be anywhere: married or on your own; a leader in your...
A Conversation With Marc Mawhinney

A Conversation With Marc Mawhinney

A Conversation With Marc Mawhinney on the NaturalBornCoaches.com Podcast A conversation with Marc Mawhinney. Marc is a lifelong entrepreneur who helps coaches get more clients (without paid advertising)! He achieves this with his coaching programs: the popular Natural...
Four Areas A Coach Develops So You Can Live Well

Four Areas A Coach Develops So You Can Live Well

Four Areas A Coach Develops So You Can Live Well Living life well takes practice. No one expects a person to master, say, the piano or surgery or a forklift, without sustained training and practice. So it is with life. If you want to live life well—to live it with...
When Does Coaching End?

When Does Coaching End?

When Does Coaching End? When does coaching end? It depends. Generally, it ends when the client chooses to end it. On rare occasions, when the client becomes uncoachable or stops doing the work, I will end the relationship. Most clients get what they need from coaching...
A Guide to the Good Life

A Guide to the Good Life

A Guide to the Good Life For many years now, a popular pathway to a better life—at least among the Western liberal set—has been Buddhism. Buddhism, which in its pure form, is secular—there is no deity–offers a complex and detailed pathway to reducing one’s suffering....