
Four Areas A Coach Develops So You Can Live Well

Four Areas A Coach Develops So You Can Live Well

Four Areas A Coach Develops So You Can Live WellLiving life well takes practice. No one expects a person to master, say, the piano or surgery or a forklift, without sustained training and practice. So it is with life. If you want to live life well—to live it with...

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When Does Coaching End?

When Does Coaching End?

When Does Coaching End?When does coaching end? It depends. Generally, it ends when the client chooses to end it. On rare occasions, when the client becomes uncoachable or stops doing the work, I will end the relationship. Most clients get what they need from coaching...

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Personal Mastery

Personal Mastery

Personal MasteryYou know them. The people who radiate calm, compassion, and power. Those who can say what needs to be said, who lift others up, who stay centered regardless of the chaos raging around them. They are unstoppable, their lives work, and they make their...

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